The Foundation consists of trustees and volunteers (let's just call them Friends). This Board or Trustees manages and controls the business and activities of the Foundation for the purpose of fulfilling our purpose and mission.
Pictured from left to right:
The 2022 Board of TrusteesChair - Jim Beckstrom
Vice-Chair – Gerritt Cuperus Secretary – Sue Moore Treasurer – Paula Fitch Historian – Linda Burks Communications & Marketing – Christopher Sneed Fundraising - Open Building and Operations - Larry Stein Ex-Officio Trustees - Dale Durhan, Birdie Neal, and Vickie Sturgeon Unassigned Trustees - Gladeen Allred, Mark Perry, Fernando Pires, Mike Staubus, Black Stevison Volunteers are always welcomed. Can we count on you??? |
Contact InformationTheStillwater Community Center Foundation Partners |
Stillwater Community center |